
Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes

The dissatisfactions experienced within the Health and social services network and welfare services must be stated. In that sense, a complaint must be filed and considered as a constructive approach since a user is exercising his rights and at the same time helping improve the quality of Health-care.


We assist any user in the proceedings to file a complaint concerning establishments or organizations in the Health and social services network and welfare services.

Our objective is to ensure that the user’s rights has been respected. To do so, the CAAP-AT informs, advises and offers direct assistance throughout the recourse.

Our rôle isn’t to deal with your complaint but accompany you throughout the whole examination process.

Learn more about our services



Hospital centers (CH)

Ambulance services

Physical rehabilitation centers

Rehabilitation centers for the intellectually handicapped

Centers for addiction rehabilitation


Local Community Health Centres (CLSC)

Child and youth protection center

Community organizations

Sites for accommodation

Foster family

Family resources

Intermediate resources

Long-term care facilities

Private Seniors Residence

See all the establishments


The CAAP-AT is an independent community organization that :

  • Facilitates communication and mediation with stakeholders during the process.
  • Promotes a more equitable relationship between users and the network.
  • Instills in users a sense of being supported and guided, ensuring they feel fully heard.


To listen


Together to improve the quality of service since 1993

  1. 1986

    Provincial tour of the Rochon Commission highlighting the need for a neutral and impartial organization to assist and accompany the users of the Health and Social Services network and Welfare Services in their efforts to file a complaint.

  2. 1993

    Adoption of the law 120 of the Ministry of Health and social services and of the article 54 formalising the implementation of 16 collaborating organizations within each region of Québec. The Ministry designated them as community organizations to assist and accompany users who wich to file a complaint as so recommended by our godfather « Le Sourire de Martin inc. »

  3. 1994

    Our organization receives it’s own corporate name which confirms it’s independence of action.

  4. 1995

    Provincial regrouping of Communaty Organizations of Assistance and Accompaniment (RPOCAA) to enhance collaboration and exchange in a concerted way. 

  5. 1999

    Adoption of a common name for all these organizations to be recognised as Centre d’Assistance et d’Accompagnement aux Plaintes (CAAP).

  6. 2007

    The RPOCAA becomes la Fédération des Centres d’Assistance et d’Accompagnement aux Plaintes (FCAAP) and regroups today several regions of Quebec.

a member

Many organizations and individuals support volontary the CAAP-AT.
By supporting the organization’s mission, our members contribute :

  • At the creation of an influent network
  • At sharing of a common vision
  • At sharing of a common vision

You would like to join us? Don’t hesitate, the membership is free.

Become a member of the CAAP-AT

Team of employees

Tommy Bédard

General manager

Sylvia Loiselle

Administrative assistant

Stéphanie Huot

Complaint advisor

Mireille Champagne

Complaint advisor

Geneviève Rioux

Complaint advisor

Board of directors

Carolle Touzin


RCM West Abitibi

Céline Robert


RCM of Témiscamingue

Nathalie Chevrier


RCM Abitibi

Ginette Germain


MRC de la Vallée de l'Or

Gérald Levesque


City of Rouyn-Noranda


Contact our complaints advisor at the CAAP who will help you find answers that suits your needs. 
Contact us