Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes 

The CAAP-AT assist users that are dissatisfied with services that they have received or should have received in the Health and social services network and welfare services as well as residents in a Private Senior’s Residences (PSR). 
Discover what the CAAP can do for you
Présent dans les 5 MRC de la région
Témiscamingue • Rouyn-Noranda
West Abitibi • Abitibi • Vallée-de-l’Or

Services d’accompagnement du CAAP-AT

Report or file a complaint
in the public health network

Why file  
a complaint?

Denouncing a situation

Obtain assistance
and support

Take action


    « I sincerely thank you for your moral support and for your assistance at the Administrative Housing Tribunal. Had I been alone, I would of had difficulty understanding and making decisions regarding my situation. I’m a strong believer that life will reward you a hundred-fold . »

    - Témoignage anonyme

    « Thank you for your time and for listening.... Great work in drafting my complaint ! »

    - Témoignage anonyme

    « I would like to thank you for your time spent on drafting my complaint and also for listening and respecting my choice of words in describing the events that I’ve been through in my life with my mother and the medical staff. You showed empathy and understanding without any jugdement and for that I consider myself privileged for having your help. It was liberating to voice the events in a letter and pursue my grieving process. It also help increase awareness for the medical staff in understanding what a person is going through when a loved one is living in sickness and to ask themselves « did I do everything in my power to help the patient or could I’ve done more ? » We’re incredibibly lucky to have access to your services in order to enforce our rights. Words cannot express how greateful I am. Keep up the good work and thank you again ! »

    - Témoignage anonyme

    « The written letter described perfectly my experience and the purpose of my complaint. Thank you for listening and for the attention you brought to my request and the drafting work. »

    - Témoignage anonyme

    « Thanks so much! You summed up the situation so well. I’m very happy with the letter you drafted... it is is perfect! »

    - Témoignage anonyme

    « You may not be aware that you make such a difference in so many people’s life. I find it hard to understand that we have to take such measures so we can be heard and obtain a follow up before it’s to late. I was lucky to come across your service. The letters were professionnal and I was able to obtain a quick return after having so many closed doors. »

    - Témoignage anonyme



See the various institutions in which we can intervene in Abitibi-Témicamingue.
Network institutions

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Discover the resources at your disposal and the listing of all the other CAAP in each Quebec region.
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Contact our complaints advisor at the CAAP who will help you find answers that suits your needs. 
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a member

Join an influential network in Abitibi-Témiscamingue by becoming a member of the CAAP. Together we can make a difference in que quality of care !
Become a member of the CAAP-AT